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    • 性别:男
    • 学历:博士研究生
    • 学位:理学博士学位
    • 入职时间:2022-08-30
    • 所在单位:华侨大学发光材料与信息显示研究院
    • 办公地点:综合实验大楼B222室
    • 电子邮箱:
    • 在职信息:在岗





    卢知轩,2022年毕业于厦门大学化学化工学院,获理学博士学位,同年加入华侨大学发光材料与信息显示研究院。以第一作者在ACS Energy Letters, ACS Catalysis, Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors BioelectronicsNanoscale等国际权威期刊上发表SCI论文6篇,累积发表SCI论文15篇,引用超900次。主持国家自然基金青年项目、博士后面上、固体表面国家重点实验室开放课题和华侨大学科研启动经费等项目。目前研究方向为等离激元纳米结构的制备及其在钙钛矿发光领域的应用。联系方式:zxlu@hqu.edu.cn


  • [1]Zhixuan Lu, Yajun Huang, Ningyu Chen, Chuan Liu, Xiang Wang*, Bin Ren*. Self-reconstruction of core–shell structured electrocatalysts for tailoring reaction pathways revealed by electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 6204-6210.

  • [2]Zhixuan Lu, Yajun Huang, Liting Shao, Maofeng Cao, Shu Hu, Chuan Liu, Xiang Wang, Bin Ren*. In-situ Raman spectroscopic insight into charge delocalization-improved electrical conductivity in metal–cyanide frameworks. Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 18184.

  • [3]Zhixuan Lu*, Yajun Huang, and Maofeng Cao. Electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for structure analysis of 1, 4-benzenedithiol assembled on gold nanoparticles. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, 2022, 17, 220970.

  • [4]Zhixuan Lu, Xiang Wu, Ningyu Chen, Maofeng Cao, Matthew M. Sartin, and Bin Ren*. Photoinduced charge transfer from a semiconductor to a metal probed at the single-nanoparticle level. ACS Energy Lett, 2021, 6, 3473.

  • [5]Jingrui Wang, Zhixuan Lu (co-first author), Hailin Tang, Ling Wu, Zixiao Wang, Minghua Wu, Xinyao Yi*, and Jianxiu Wang*. Multiplexed electrochemical detection of MiRNAs from sera of glioma patients at different stages via the novel conjugates of conducting magnetic microbeads and diblock oligonucleotide-modified gold nanoparticles. Anal Chem, 2017, 89, 10834.

  • [6]Zhixuan Lu, Hailin Tang, Daohong Wu, Yonghong Xia, Minghua Wu, Xinyao Yi*,Hengfeng Li, Jianxiu Wang*. Amplified voltammetric detection of miRNA from serum samples of glioma patients via combination of conducting magnetic microbead and ferrocene-capped gold nanoparticle/streptavidin conjugates. Biosens Bioelectron, 2016, 86, 502.