Peng Jialin


Personal Information


  • Alma Mater:浙江大学
  • Education Level:博士研究生
  • School/Department:华侨大学
  • Business Address:机电实验大楼A402
  • Discipline:Computer Applications Technology


    I am a professor in the College of Computer Science and Technology at the Huaqiao Univerisity. I received my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics at Zhejiang University in 2013. In 2015-2016, I visited the IDEA Lab of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) as a Post-Doc Fellow, and worked with Prof. Dinggang Shen. Also, I worked with Yiu Chung Benny HON as a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong in 2012. In 2022-2023,I worked at Xiamen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology (Big Data Administration of Xiamen). I am senior member of IEEE and CCF.

    My research interests are machine learning, medical image analysis, and biomedical informatics. The main goal of our research is to develop efficient and computable learning algorithms for the mathematical problems in biomedical imaging and clinical data. On the application side, I am interested in applying these techniques to various science and engineering applications, especially in clinical applications. My google scholar homepage


    I am always looking for highly motivated, hardworking, and self-driven students to join my research group to conduct research in machine learning. 

    Ph.D Student/Undergraduate Students:  Knowledge of mathematics (e.g., linear algebra, probabilty and statistics, and calculus) and experience with coding (e.g. C++/Java, Matlab/Python)  is a must. Knowledge of machine learning and basic image processing is also highly desirable. 

    Project Opportunities: If you have a strong machine learning background (i.e., solid knowledge of  machine learning, image processing, and/or extensive experiences with deep learning) and is looking for a concrete project aiming at publishing papers, please send me an email with a detailed CV.


    Mechanical and Electrical Experimental Building, Room:A425 

    No.668 Jimei Avenue, Xiamen, Fujian, China 361021

    E-Mail: 2004pjl "at"

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    2022.5  to  2023.4
     Xiamen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology 
    2012.7  to  2012.9
     City University of Hong Kong 
    2015.10  to  2016.10
     IDEA Lab | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

    2018.9  to  Now