胡马云 (Syed Humayun Basha),博士,土木工程学院副研究员,硕士生导师。从事工程结构抗震、3D混凝土打印、结构拓扑优化等方向研究,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文20余篇,目前主持或参与国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金、华侨大学高层次人才引进(科技系)等多项科研项目。
Education (教育经历):
2011-2017,印度理工学院,结构工程系,获哲学博士学位,导师:Hemant B. Kaushik教授
2009-2011,印度理工学院,结构工程系,获哲学硕士学位,导师:Hemant B. Kaushik教授
Project Grants (科研项目):
主持,国家自然科学基金外国学者研究基金项目:Performance of Environmentally and Structurally Favorable Prefabricated ALC Infill Wall Panels under Bidirectional Lateral Loads (52350410467)
主持,福建省自然科学基金青年项目:考虑平面内/外耦合作用的装配式ALC板填充墙框架抗震性能研究 (2022J05056)
参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目:双向地震下框架填充墙平面内/外耦合作用机理和倒塌评估方法 (52178485)
主持,华侨大学高层次人才科研启动费项目:ALC预制墙板填充墙框架侧向荷载作用下的抗震性能评估 (605-50Y22017)
主持,华侨大学高层次人才科研启动费项目:砌体填充墙RC框架平面外抗震性能研究 (605-50X19032)
Research Interests (研究兴趣):
3D 混凝土打印
Refereed International Journals (期刊论文):
Xie, X. Y., Guo, Z. X., and Basha, S. H.* (2024). "Out-of-plane performance of light-weight AAC infills within RC frames using non-contact full-field strain measurement technique." Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 150(5), 04024043. (结构工程领域顶级期刊)
Hu, H. S., Tan, Y. Y., Xu, L.*, Basha, S. H., and Ji, X. R. (2024). "High-strength concrete-filled steel tube columns with tie bars: Seismic behavior and design." Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 212, 108289.
Basha, S. H. Lian, X., Hou, W.*, Zheng, P., and Guo, Z. X. (2023). "Shear Behavior of Short Columns using Engineered Cementitious Composites under Lateral Loads.", Steel and Composite Structures, Techno Press, 48(5), 565-582.
Xie, X. Y., Guo, Z. X., and Basha, S. H.* (2023). "Out-of-plane behavior of strong masonry infilled RC frames with different slenderness ratios and connection details using digital image correlation techniques." Construction and Building Materials, 363, 129802.
Basha, S. H.*, Guo, Z. X., and Xie, X. Y. (2022). “Effect of Structural Bonding Patterns on Mechanical Characteristics of Clay Brick Masonry under Different Loadings using Digital Image Correlation Technique.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 34(11), 04022302(20).
Xie, X. Y., Guo, Z. X.*, Basha, S. H. and Huang Q. X. (2022). "A novel shear strengthening of existing RC shear walls using steel wire mesh and polymer mortar." Buildings (Spl), 12(2), 219.
Basha, S. H., and Kaushik, H. B.* (2020). “Empirical Models for Lateral Stiffness and Strength of Masonry Infilled RC Frames Considering the Influence of Openings.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 146(4), 04020021. (结构工程领域顶级期刊)
Basha, S. H., and Kaushik, H. B.* (2019). “Investigation on improving the shear behavior of columns in masonry infilled RC frames under lateral loads.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17, 3995–4026.
Basha, S. H., and Kaushik, H. B.* (2019). “A Novel Macromodel for Prediction of Shear Failure in Columns of Masonry Infilled RC Frames under Earthquake Loading.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(4), 2219–2244.
Basha, S. H., and Kaushik, H. B.* (2016). “Behavior and failure mechanisms of masonry-infilled RC frames (in low-rise buildings) subject to lateral loading.” Engineering Structures, Elsevier, 111, 233–245. (专业权威期刊)
Basha, S. H., and Kaushik, H. B.* (2016). “Suitability of fly ash brick masonry as infill in reinforced concrete frames.” Materials and Structures, Springer Publications, Co-published with RILEM, 49(9), 3831–3845.
Basha, S. H., and Kaushik, H. B.* (2015). “Evaluation of non-linear material properties of fly ash brick masonry under compression and shear.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 27(8), 04014227(11).
Miao, W., Ye, Y., Guo, Z.*, Basha, S.H. (2020). “Flexural Behavior of Stone Slabs Reinforced with Prestressed NSM Steel Wire Ropes.” Engineering Structures, 222, 111046. (专业权威期刊)
Yao, X., Guo, Z.*, Basha, S. H., and Huang, Q. (2021). “Innovative Seismic Strengthening of Historic Masonry Walls Using Polymer Mortar and Steel Strips.” Engineering Structures, 228, 111507.(专业权威期刊)
Xu, L., Guo, Z.*, and Basha, S. H. (2021). “Compressive Behavior of Fabricated Coupled Composite Columns under Eccentric Loads.” Thin-Walled Structures, 160, 107385.
Lu, Y., Guo, Z.*, Liu, Y., and Basha, S. H. (2021). “Performance of Prefabricated RC Column with Replaceable Column-Base Connection under Cyclic Lateral Loads.” Engineering Structures, 240, 112343.(专业权威期刊)
Jiang, Y. F, Guo, Z.*, Basha, S. H., and Chai, Z. L. (2021). “Sliding bed joint for seismic response control of ashlar stone masonry structures.” Engineering Structures, 244, 112734. (专业权威期刊)
Lu, Y., Guo, Z.*, Basha, S. H., and Liu, Y. (2022). “Performance of Steel Beams with Replaceable Buckling Restrained Steel Fuses under Cyclic Loading.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 194, 107310.
Chen, H., Guo, Z.*, Basha, S. H., and Liu, Y. (2023). “Seismic behavior of RCS frame joints applied with high-strength bolts-end plate connection.” Journal of Building Engineering, 63, 105455.
Miao, W., Guo, Z.*, Ye, Y., and Basha, S.H. (2023). “Shear behavior of composite stone beams reinforced with NSM longitudinal CFRP bars.” Construction and Building Materials, 363, 129802.
手机:19859217537(微信同号)电子邮箱:syedhbasha@hqu.edu.cn; humayunbashasyed@hotmail.com