Syed Humayun Basha
发表刊物:Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier
摘要:This paper proposes a novel reinforced concrete column-steel beam (RCS) joint suitable for prefabricated hybrid structures. Twelve interior RCS joint subassemblies were tested under cyclic lateral loading. The main test parameters include beam-column capacity ratio coefficient (ηbc), joint capacity ratio coefficient (ηj), and thickness (t) of the joint web plate (JWP). The results showed that the proposed joint details ensured good integrity and deformation performance of the RCS joint subassemblies. The ultimate drift ratio of most specimens was up to 4.0%. The capacity ratio coefficients were the main factors affecting the failure mode. For the specimens with ηbc less than 1, the steel beam observed flexural failure mode, and featured stable full hysteretic loops. The specimens with ηbc greater than 1, the RC column observed flexural failure mode and exhibited a stable but slightly pinched hysteretic response. The specimens with ηj of less than 1 observed concrete damage in the joint region and showed a more pinched hysteretic response. The flexural deformation of steel beams and RC columns contributed to the lateral drift of the specimens. No brittle joint shear failure occurred in specimens, which showed that the proposed joint details can meet the requirements of strong joint-weak member in seismic design.
上一条:Basha, S. H.*, Guo, Z., and Xie X. Effect of Structural Bonding Patterns on Mechanical Characteristics of Clay Brick Masonry under Different Loadings using Digital Image Correlation Technique
下一条:Jiang, Y. F, Guo, Z., Basha, S. H., and Chai, Z. L. Sliding bed joint for seismic response control of ashlar stone masonry structures