• 其他栏目


    • 教授
    • 性别:男
    • 出生日期:1979-05-23
    • 学历:博士研究生
    • 学位:工学博士学位
    • 入职时间:2021-07-01
    • 所在单位:华侨大学工商管理学院
    • 办公地点:华侨大学经管楼1103室
    • 电子邮箱:
    • 在职信息:在岗
    • 学科:管理科学与工程
    • 2021当选:福建省“闽江学者奖励计划”讲座教授
    • 2021当选:福建省闽江学者-讲座教授





    谢安晋博士,教授,闽江学者,博士生导师、硕士生导师。目前就职于华侨大学工商管理学院(教授),同时兼任台湾交通大学科技法律研究院副教授、泰国Krirk University 教授及博士生导师。毕业于台湾元智大学,获工业工程与管理博士,曾在新加坡国立大学工程学院从事博士后研究,美国威斯康辛大学访问学者。曾就职于淮阴师范学院经济与管理学院(专任副教授)、泰国Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU,助理教授)并担任硕士与博士生导师。


    科研成果:共发表二十九篇学术期刊:二十二篇SSCISCIEI等级期刊、一篇CSSCI、两篇TSSCI Level 3 Journal、一篇ABI、三篇一般期刊,以及国内外研讨会三十余篇论文。同时,获得2019年江苏省社会科学基金与2020年江苏省高等学校大学生创业训练项目。 

    获奖:研究成果荣获多项奖项:「管理科学学会管理学报论文奖」、「中国工业工程与管理学术研讨会论文竞赛优胜奖」、「UMC 联电经营管理论文奖」、「元智大学工程学院学术奖章-银质奖」、「第四届温世仁服务科学新苗奖」、「质量学会年度卓越博硕士论文奖-博士银带奖」、「中国工业工程学会学术研讨会佳作奖」、「CAIC, Dhurakij Pundit University, The Luban Prize for The Best Paper」、「International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, Best paper Aware」、「福建省高层次人才C类人才」、「泉州市高层次人才第三、四层次人才」、「第二十六次威海市社会科学优秀成果三等奖」、「第二十四次威海市社会科学优秀成果三等奖」与「The 4th international Conference on Sustainable Management 最佳优秀论文奖」等、「威海市社会科学优秀成果三等奖」与「The 4th international Conference on Sustainable Management 最佳优秀论文奖」等。 


    学成果:华侨大学第四届教师教学创新大赛一等奖第一名、指导学生获第三十一届“挑战杯”华侨大学学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖、指导大学生论文获得淮阴师范学院2019与2021届优秀毕业论文、「华侨大学工商管理学院第十、十一、十二届青年教师精彩一堂课三、二、二等奖」、「华侨大学工商管理学院2022境外生课程思政教学创新活动比赛二等奖」、「淮阴师范学院第九届教学标兵」与「The Krirk University’s 70th anniversary, Outstanding Teacher Award」等。 


    服务地方:担任国台办两岸发展主题影片主角以及会议代表、Elsevier 培训师、担任扬州宇新管业有限公司的科技副总、协助江苏乐南通市百年小镇老人照护服务设计与优化、协助淮安三甲医学研究中心进行人工透析之人工肾脏凝固优化。



  • [1]泉州市养老服务业人才培养体系研究,2023/08/01-

  • [2]2022年华侨大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目,课程思政示范建设项目,2023/05/12-

  • [3]华侨大学工商管理学院,境外生思政教学创新活动,2022/10/14-

  • [4]老人感性需求视阈下农村机构养老服务设计与政策创新研究,谢安晋,2021/07/08-

  • [5]“心连心”智慧型养老娱乐平台,2020/01/01-2021/01/01

  • [6]扬州市“绿扬金凤计划”资助项目(科技副总):锈钢配件制程优化设计,2019/05/09-2020/02/07

  • [7]江苏老人居家养老模式优化与支持政策创新研究,,2019/03/07-2020/05/06

  • [8]基于TRIZ理论和服务蓝图法的生态文明教育服务质量研究,2019/02/27-2021/04/30

  • [9]应用田口方法于降低长期血液透析病人透析管路污染率之研究,2018/06/08-2019/07/12

  • [10]应用田口方法于人工肾脏凝固参数优化之研究,2017/06/07-2018/10/05

  • [11]考虑外部环境与高龄者满意度之优质老化服务系统建构模式,2016/08/04-2019/07/12

  • [12]发展SOM与K-Means整合性模式以肿瘤群组为研究案例,2016/05/06-2017/10/20

  • [13]考虑外部环境与高龄者满意度之优质老化服务系统建构模式,2016/03/16-2019/03/16

  • [14]应用数据探勘技术建构医师排班系统,2015/08/01-2016/07/01

  • [15]应用数据探勘技术建构医师排班系统,2015/08/01-2016/07/01

  • [16]铨宝工业提升吹瓶模具价值延伸服务计划,2014/03/01-2015/11/01

  • [17]基于感性工程和TRIZ整合的养老服务设计研究——以医养结合为视角,谢安晋,2022/07/28-

  • [18]智慧财产管理规范(TIPS)推行体系,2013/05/01-2013/12/01

  • [19]以服务设计之观点探讨高龄健康照顾服务业经营模式创新之研究,2011/07/11-2012/07/30

  • [20]以服务设计之观点探讨高龄健康照顾服务业经营模式创新之研究,2011/07/11-2012/07/31

  • [21]元智大学教师暨职员工作满意度,2011/03/05-2011/12/15

  • [22]元智大学教师工作满意度,2009/05/01-2010/04/02

  • [23]民众陈情案件分析专题计划期末报告,2007/03/12-2007/09/07

  • [24]全国团结圈推动成效评估暨后续推动策略规划计划,2006/03/04-2006/11/10

  • 论文成果

  • [1]Design and process optimization of combined medical and elderly care services: An integrated service blueprint–TRIZ model.FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH,2022,

  • [2]Diamond model of green commitment and low-carbon travel motivation, constraint, and intention.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022,

  • [3]Low-Carbon Travel Motivation and Constraint: Scales Development and Validation.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022,

  • [4]Exploring the relationship between hospital service quality, patient trust, and loyalty from a service encounter perspective in elderly with chronic diseases.FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH,2022,

  • [5]Customized and knowledge-centric service design model integrating case-based reasoning and TRIZ.Expert Systems with Applications,2020,

  • [6]A fuzzy design decision model for new health care service conceptualization.International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,2020,

  • [7]How service industry attract employee? evidence from website quality.International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,2020,

  • [8]Newsvendor system neglect revisited using an enhanced normative method.International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,2019,

  • [9]An integrated model by using the Taguchi method and artificial neural network to improve artificial kidney solidification parameters.BioMedical Engineering OnLine,2019,

  • [10]An analysis of medical expenditure of a bronchial and pulmonary cancer group by two-stage cluster method.International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences,2018,

  • [11]A study on influence of consumer usage knowledge to purchasing convenience and purchase intention: Taking sewing machine as example.International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences,2018,

  • [12]The relationship between customer orientation, emotional labour and job burnout.Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management,2017,

  • [13]Impact of customer orientation on turnover intention: mediating role of emotional labour.International Journal of Organizational Analysis,2017,

  • [14]A model for aging-home-care service process improvement.International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences,2017,

  • [15]Greenhouse gas management model - A triple cause-effect logic.International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences,2016,

  • [16]The application of Taguchi methods to parameters optimization for preventing coagulation in artificial kidneys.Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering,2016,

  • [17]A Care Strategy and Action Plan Design for Graceful Aging under External Environmental Constraints.Journal of Gerontechnolgy and Service Management,2015,

  • [18]台湾产业工业4.0应用案例.工具机与零组件杂志,2015,

  • [19]生产力4.0全速前进.工具机与零组件杂志,2015,

  • [20]An ageing-in-place service innovation model by using TRIZ methodology.Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries,2015,

  • [21]Study of a comprehensive successful aging model.Gerontechnology,2014,

  • [22]The Use of Value Co-Creation Concept to Develop a Customer-Oriented Service Business Model – Case Study on Home Tele-heath Service.Journal of Gerontechnolgy and Service Management,2013,

  • [23]GAM: A comprehensive successful aging mode.Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science,2013,

  • [24]Six cognitive gaps by using TRIZ and tools for service system design.Expert Systems with Applications,2011,

  • [25]A customer-oriented organizational diagnostic model based on data mining of customer-complaint databases.Expert Systems with Applications,2011,

  • [26]An exploratory study of the effects of process management for implementing ISO 9000 quality system - using product yield as performance indicator.Journal of Quality,2008,

  • [27]Course planning of extension Education to meet market demand by using data mining techniques ——an example of Chinkuo technology university in Taiwan.Expert Systems with Applications,2008,

  • [28]An empirical case study for the phone deceptions - constructing a cognitive interactive model under the circumstance of low-detected cue.Journal of Management,2008,

  • [29]从首长电子信箱个案分析之观点探讨政府服务质量的内涵与演变.研考双月刊,2007,