张舒宁   Lecturer (higher education)

张舒宁,1995年生,讲师(2022.07留校)、硕士生导师,管理学博士,主要研究方向为旅游文化与创新、旅游信息传播、目的地营销与管理等。在《Tourism Management》《Journal of Travel Research》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》《Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management》《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management》《Current Issues ...Detials


Release time:2023-05-24  Hits:

  • Affiliation of Participant(s):旅游学院
  • Leading Scientist:ZSN
  • Supported by:省、市、自治区社科基金项目
  • Classification of Project:重点项目
  • Project level:Provincial and ministerial-level
  • Project Participants:LYQ,RWQ,苏欣慰1,王美钰23,李蕊23,杨婷婷22,张琬娅22
  • Project Number:20232ZB004
  • Date of Project Approval:2023-01-17
  • Scheduled completion time:2025-08-31
  • Subsidy Amount(¥):7.0