Evaluation and drive mechanism of tourism ecological security based on the DPSIR-DEA model
- Journal:Tourism Management
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Translation or Not:no
- Date of Publication:2019-12-18
- Included Journals:SSCI
张舒宁 Associate professor
张舒宁,1995年生,讲师(2022.07留校)、硕士生导师,管理学博士,主要研究方向为旅游文化与创新、旅游信息传播、目的地营销与管理等。在《Tourism Management》《Journal of Travel Research》《International Journal of Hospitality Management》《Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services》《Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management》《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management》《Current Issues ...Detials