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Master Tutor

Name (Pinyin):ZYX


Education Level:博士研究生

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Business Address:土木工程学科实验大楼502


Professional Title:Associate professor

Administrative Position:教师

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Sustainable Reusing Marble Powder and Granite Powder in Cement-Based Materials: A Review

Date:2024-02-20 clicks:

Journal:ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (JCR Q1, TOP, 封面论文)

Abstract:Marble powder (MP) and granite powder (GP) are disposed of primarily through landfilling, which leads to severe environmental issues. The utilization of stone powder in cement-based materials offers a scalable disposal method. This paper begins by presenting the two powders’ basic physicochemical and micromorphological characteristics. Then the effects and mechanisms of MP and GP on the hydration process and microstructure of the concrete are examined. Moreover, the influences of different substitution methods, water-cement ratio, and other factors on the macro properties of concrete incorporating stone powder are comprehensively summarized, bridging the gap between the microscopic changes induced by the addition of stone powder and the macroscopic differences observed in experiments. The current state of relevant technical standards is analyzed. Leveraging previous research results, we used machine learning techniques to optimize the mixture ratio of stone powder concrete with the aim of achieving a comprehensive life cycle performance index. The results reveal that by fully exploiting the fineness and composition characteristics of MP and GP, along with employing a suitable mix design, stone powders exhibit filling and nucleation effects that accelerate cement hydration, refine the pore structure, and enhance the workability, mechanical properties, and durability of concrete. Following the proposed optimization of the concrete mixture ratio, substituting 16% of cement can maintain the standard strength of 50 MPa while reducing the carbon footprint by 108.8 kg CO2e/m3 as well as saving the cost of 284.8 yuan/m3. This Review is expected to promote further applications of waste stone powder in cement-based materials to achieve sustainable development.

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2024-02-19

Included Journals:SCI

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