
教授 硕士生导师  

















柳 欣: 男,华侨大学计算机学院教授、硕士研究生导师,香港浸会大学计算机专业博士,厦门市重点人才,泉州市高层次人才,CCF高级会员,CCF多媒体专委会执行委员,美国电气电子工程协会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member),美国天普大学访问学者,澳门大学博士后访问学者,主要研究方向为人工智能、多媒体分析、深度学习、模式识别、元宇宙交互技术,主持国家自然科学基金、省自然科学基金和企业横向课题多项,已在国内外知名期刊和会议上(IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence、IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems、IEEE Trans. Human Machine Systems、IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security、Pattern Recognition、Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Signal Processing、Neurocomputing、IET Image Processing, ACM MM, SIGIR, ICDM, ICMR, ACPR, ICPR,ICASSP,ICIP,CCCV和CCBR等)发表论文100余篇,获授权美国发明专利1项,授权中国发明专利10余项,其相关研究获得2016年厦门市科技进步奖三等奖,2016年度福建省自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等和2016年度泉州市自然科学优秀论文一等奖各1项。

研究生招生(new!):学硕、专硕、非全日制硕士指标充足, 欢迎邮件咨询)!


课题组简称: MADM  (Media Analysis and Data Mining, 媒体分析与数据挖掘

Github Homepage: https://github.com/starxliu





New:Q.X. Zha, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, X. Xu,  N.N. Wang and J.J. Cao, “UGNCL: Uncertainty-Guided Noisy Correspondence Learning for Efficient Cross-Modal Matching”, Proceedings of the  47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval  (ACM SIGIR'2024),  14-18 July, Washington D.C., USA, 2024[信息检索Top会议,CCF推荐A类].

New:K. Wang, J.Y. Liu, X. Xu, J.K. Song, X. Liu and Heng Tao Shen,  “Unsupevised Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with Semantic-Attended Mixture-of-Experts”, Proceedings of the  47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval  (ACM SIGIR'2024),  14-18 July, Washington D.C., USA, 2024[信息检索Top会议,CCF推荐A类]

New:钟善男,彭淑娟,柳欣,王楠楠,李太豪,“双分支线索深度感知与自适应协同优化的多模态虛假新闻检测”计算机学报, 2023 [CCF推荐A类中文期刊].

New:G.C. Chen, X. Liu*, X. Xu, Y.M. Cheung and T.H. Li, “Taking a Part for the Whole: An Archetype-agnostic Framework for Voice-Face Association”, Proceedings of the 31th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM'2023), Ottawa Canada, October 29 – November 3, 2023[多媒体Top会议,CCF推荐A类]

New:S.S. Li, X. Xu, X. Jiang, F.M. Shen, X. Liu, H. T. Shen, "Multi-Grained Attention Network with Mutual Exclusion for Composed Query-Based Image Retrieval" IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3306738. [SCI一区,TOP期刊]

New:X.T. Jiang, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, X. Xu, S.K. Zheng and T.H. Li, “Label-Semantic-Enhanced Online Hashing for Efficient Cross-modal Retrieval”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’23), Brisbane, Australia, July 10-14, 2023 [多媒体领域会议,CCF推荐B类]

New:朱明航,柳欣*,于镇宁,徐行,郑书凯.基于双向伪标签自监督学习的跨人脸-语音匹配方法.计算机研究与发展, 2022 [CCF推荐A类中文期刊]. 

New:范烨,彭淑娟,柳欣,崔振,王楠楠,结合分层深度网络与相似度双向五元组的跨模态异常检测方法,计算机研究与发展, 59(12): 2770-2780, 2022[CCF推荐A类中文期刊].

New:何雨霖,彭淑娟,柳欣,崔振,结合双向混合约束和弹性匹配验证机制的跨模态动作匹配,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2022[CCF推荐A类中文期刊].

New:S.J. Peng, Y. He, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, X. Xu and Z. Cui, “Relation-Aggregated Cross-Graph Correlation Learning for Fine-Grained Image-Text Retrieval”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3188569,2022  [CCF推荐A类英文期刊,影响因子:14.255]].

New:Z.N. Yu, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, M.H. Zhu, X. Xu, N.N. Wang and T.H. Li, “Detach and Enhance: Learning Disentangled Cross-modal Latent Representation for Efficient Face-Voice Association and Matching”, Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'2022)[数据挖掘Top会议,CCF推荐会议], pp. 648-655,2022

New:D.Q. Liu,  S.J.Peng, X. Liu, L. Zhu, Z. Cui, and T.H. Li, Inconsistency Distillation For Consistency: Enhancing Multi-View Clustering via Mutual Contrastive Teacher-Student Leaning, Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'2022)[数据挖掘Top会议,CCF推荐会议], pp. 251-258,2022

New:X. Liu, Y. He, Y.M. Cheung, X. Xu and N.N. Wang, “Learning Relationship-enhanced Semantic Graph for Fine-grained Image-Text Matching”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2022.3179020. [SCI一区,TOP期刊]

New:X. Liu*, J. Yi, Y. M. Cheung, X. Xu and Z. Cui, "OMGH: Online Manifold-Guided Hashing for Flexible Cross-modal Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 25, pp. 3811-3824, 2023.[SCI一区,TOP期刊]

New:Y.F. Shi, Y. Zhao; X. Liu; F. Zheng; W.H. Ou; X.G. You; Q.M. Peng, "Deep Adaptively-Enhanced Hashing with Discriminative Similarity Guidance for Unsupervised Cross-modal Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp. 7255-7268, 2022 [SCI一区,TOP期刊]

New:X. Liu*, X.Z. Wang, Y.M. Cheung, FDDH: Fast Discriminative Discrete  Hashing for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 6306-6320, November, 2022.[SCI一区,TOP期刊]

New:X. Liu, Z.K. Hu, H.B. Ling, Y.M. Cheung, " MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceT-PAMI[SCI一区,TOP期刊],人工智能领域顶级期刊,影响因子:24.314], 2021.

New: K. Wang, Y.F. Wang, X. Xu, X. Liu,  W.H. Ou, H.M. Lu, Prototype-based Selective Knowledge Distillation for Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval, Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2021), 2022. [多媒体Top会议,CCF推荐A类], 

New:Y. He, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, S.J. Peng*, J.H. Yi and W.T. Fan, “Cross-Graph Attention Enhanced Multi-Modal Correlation Learning for Fine-Grained Image-Text Retrieval”, Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'21)[信息检索Top会议,CCF推荐A类], 2021.

New:J.R. Zhang, X. Xu, F.M. Shen, H.M. Lu, X. Liu, Heng Tao Shen, Enhancing Audio-Visual Association with Self-Supervised Curriculum Learning, Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), pp. 3351-3359, 2021. [人工智能Top会议,CCF推荐A类].

New:K. Cheng, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, R. Wang, X. Xu and B.E. Zhong, “Hearing like Seeing: Improving Voice-Face Interactions and Associations via Adversarial Deep Semantic Matching Network”, Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM'2020[多媒体Top会议,CCF推荐A类], 2020.

New:R. Wang, X. Liu*, Y.M. Cheung, K. Cheng, N.N. Wang and W.T. Fan, “Learning Discriminative Joint Embeddings for Efficient Face and Voice Association”, Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'20)[信息检索Top会议,CCF推荐A类], 2020.

指导学生获奖[部分]: (新增多项国家数学建模一等奖、二等奖、三等)

[1] 研究王锐获得福建省优秀硕士学位论文 (2022)

[2] 研究生课题组获得第十九届中国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖3项 (2022)

[3] 研究生何雨霖、庄清爽、刘敦强获第十八届中国研究生数学建模竞赛一等奖 (2021)

[4] 研究生程凯、王锐获第研究生国家奖学金 (2020)

[5] 研究生易金含、何毅获第“华为杯”第十七届中国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖 (2020)

[6] 研究生朱明航、于镇宁、范烨获第十七届中国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖 (2020)

[7] 研究生张良宇,王锐,程凯获“华为杯”第十六届中国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖 (2019)

[8] 研究生易金含,王行志,何毅获“华为杯”第十六届中国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖 (2019)

[9] 研究生王锐,张良宇,程凯获第九届海峡服务创新大赛一等奖[智能花朵识别] (2019)

[10] 研究生程凯,张良宇,王锐,易金含,何毅获海峡创新大赛二等奖[AI辅助驾驶系统] (2019)

[11] 研究生程凯及本科生混合团队获第九届海峡两岸信息服务创新大赛暨二等奖2项 (2019)

[12] 研究生李磊、刘雨航,获“锐智杯”省智能设计大赛一等奖 (2018)[视觉问答视障辅助系统]

[13] 研究生张良宇, 王锐, 程凯,获“福建省研究生数模竞赛三等奖” (2019)

[14] 研究生王盛楠获“华为杯”全国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖1项 (2018)

[15] 研究生王行志, 胡志凯, 胡东获“华为杯”全国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖1项(2018)

[16] 研究生王行志, 胡志凯, 胡东获“华为杯”福建省研究生数模竞赛三等奖(2018)

[17] 研究生王行志, 胡志凯获得2018年第八届MathorCup高校数学建模挑战赛二等奖

[18] 研究生周兵、胡东获“锐智杯”福建省智能设计大赛二等奖 (2018)[姿态智能重定向系统]

[19] 研究生胡东获第“华为杯”第十四届中国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖 (2017)

[20] 研究生张鹤获华侨大学校级优秀硕士论文(2017)

[21] 研究生张鹤获“第五届海峡两岸信息服务创新大赛一等奖”[手绘达人] (2015)

[22] 研究生赫高峰获华福建省优秀硕士学位论文(2016)

[23] 指导的本科生尹明溪等获得“第七届海峡两岸信息服务创新大赛三等奖”[ChaCha] (2017)

[24] 指导的本科生程凯获得“第六届海峡两岸信息服务创新大赛三等奖”[浮生绘] (2016)

[25] 指导的本科生何家涛,张超阳和谢思宗获得第十届计算机设计大赛一等奖 (2017)

[26] 指导的本科生程凯,刘川川和谢王雅迪获得第九届计算机设计大赛二等奖 (2016)

[27] 指导本科生陶琼星等获得2015全国高校移动互联网应用开发创新大赛一等奖 (2015)

泉州校区地址:福建省泉州市丰泽区城华北路269号  邮编:362021
厦门校区地址:福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号  邮编:361021