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Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:Xiamen University

Education Level:博士研究生

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:Institute of Information Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University






Education Level:博士研究生

Alma Mater:Xiamen University


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一、教育及访学经历:学士/硕士:华侨大学计算机技术与应用专业博士:厦门大学信息学院控制理论与控制工程专业2011.11-2012.11, 香港中文大学电子系,访问学者二、主持科研项目1. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目:数据驱动的高性能视频编码器关键问题研究,2022.03 – 2025.03.2. 厦门市科技重大项目:面向超高清视频的智能芯片关键技术研究及产业化,2020.04 – 2022.03.3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:面向HEVC的多描述视频编码关键问题研究,2019.01 – 2021.12.4. 福建省自然科学基金青年项目:基于多描述编码的HEVC容错问题研究,2017.4.1 – 2020.3.31.5. 华侨大学高层次人才资助项目:新一代视频编码标准在3D视频应用中的优化,2016.11 – 2019.11.6. 泉州市科技计划项目:服装生产计算机辅助排料系统研究与应用,2013.01 – 2015.12.三、近年发表的第一/通信作者论文(SCI)1. Jing Chen, Linlin Chen, Huanqiang Zeng*, Chih-Hsien Hsia, Tianlei Wang and Kai-Kuang Ma, “3D-Gradient Guided Rate Control Model for Screen Content Video Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 25, Dec. 2022.2.Feifeng Wang, Jing Chen*, Huanqiang Zeng, Canhui Cai, “Spatial-frequency HEVC multiple description video coding with adaptive perceptual redundancy allocation,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 88, Oct. 2022. 3. Jing Chen*, Jianshan Ou, Huanqiang Zeng, Canhui Cai, “A fast algorithm based on gray level co-occurrence matrix and Gabor feature for HEVC screen content coding,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 78, July 2021.4. Jing Chen, Jie Liao, Jiabao Zuo, Huanqiang Zeng, Canhui Cai, Kai-Kuang Ma*, “Fast depth intra coding for 3D-HEVC based on gray level co-occurrence matrix,” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol. 63, no. 3, May 2019. 5. Jing Chen, Jie Liao, Huanqiang Zeng, Canhui Cai, Kai-Kuang Ma*, “An efficient multiple description coding for multi-view video based on the correlation of spatial polyphase transformed subsequences,” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol.63, no. 5, Sept. 2019.6. Jing Chen*, Bohan Wang, Jie Liao, Canhui Cai, “Fast 3D-HEVC inter mode decision algorithm based on the texture correlation of viewpoints,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78: 29291-29305, Nov. 2018.7. Jing Chen*, Bohan Wang, Huanqiang Zeng, Canhui Cai, Kai-Kuang Ma, “Sum-of-Gradient based fast intra coding in 3D-HEVC for depth map sequence,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 48: 329-339, Oct. 2017.8. Huanqiang Zeng, Jing Chen*, Xiaolin Cui, Canhui Cai, Kai-Kuang Ma, “Quad binary pattern and its application in mean-shift tracking,” Neurocomputing, 217: 3-10, Dec.2016.9. Jing Chen*, Canhui Cai,Li Li,Cuihua Li, “Layered multiple description video coding using dual-tree discrete wavelet transform and H.264/AVC,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(5): 2801-2814, March 2016.四、主持教改项目及成果1. 2021年福建省一流本科课程,数字信号处理。2. 2020年华侨大学第十届高等教育校级教学成果二等奖,排名:1。3. 2020年华侨大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目,基于视频信息前沿研究的多元教学模式探索。4. 2018年福建省本科高校一般教育教学改革研究项目:面向信号处理类专业基础课的混合式教学模式改革探索。5. 2017年华侨大学教师教学发展改革项目:混合式教学模式在全英文通信类专业课教学中的探索与实践。五、已授权发明专利1. 基于多尺度特征融合的HEVC-SCC帧内CU快速划分编码方法及装置,ZL202310911767.9.2. 基于IPMS-CNN和空域相邻CU编码模式的HEVC-SCC快速编码方法及装置,ZL202310893891.7.3. 基于帧预测神经网络的多描述视频编码方法和解码方法,ZL202110261181.3.4. 一种基于Gabor特征和灰度共生矩阵的视频帧内编码快速算法,ZL202010366824.6.5. 基于空间下采样的多描述编码高质量边重建方法,ZL202010278978.X.6. 一种基于贝叶斯决策的3D-HEVC深度图帧间快速算法,ZL201910414604.3.7. 一种基于时空Gabor特征张量的全参考屏幕视频质量评估方法, ZL202010326713.2.8. 基于CU划分贝叶斯决策的3D-HEVC帧间快速方法, ZL201910080870.7.9. 基于纹理特性的3D-HEVC帧间预测快速模式选择方法, ZL201710109148.2.10. 一种基于视点间相关性的3D-HEVC帧间预测快速模式选择方法, ZL201710109136.X. 11. 一种基于感知敏感度的HEVC率失真优化方法,ZL201610668684.1.12. 一种适用于监控视频的编码方法,ZL201510356968.2.13. 一种恰可察觉失真模型阈值计算方法,ZL201811345416.1.14. 一种基于数据重用的多视点多描述视频编码方法,ZL201310481195.1.欢迎访问团队网站: