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2023-02-01 福建省科技特派员(个人)

2023-02-01 厦门市科技进步一等奖(排名第8)





范宗文 华侨大学计算机科学与技术学院讲师。主要研究方向为:机器学习,模糊系统,数据挖掘。

参与国家级项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目,61572204,具有个体差异进化和冲突检测消解机制的多源模糊知识融合方法研究,2016/01/01 至 2019/12/31,已结题


[1]   Zongwen Fan, Jin Gou, Shaoyuan Weng. A Novel Fuzzy Feature Generation Approach for Happiness Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024

[2]   Raymond Chiong, Zongwen Fan*. Zhongyi Hu, Sandeep Dhakal, A Novel Ensemble Learning Approach for Stock Market Prediction Based on Sentiment Analysis and the Sliding Window Method, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023, 10(5): 2613-2623

[3]   Zongwen Fan, Jin Gou. Predicting body fat using a novel fuzzy-weighted approach optimized by the whale optimization algorithm, Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 217:119558

[4]   Zongwen Fan, Jin Gou, Cheng Wang. Predicting secondary school student performance using a double particle swarm optimization-based categorical boosting model, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 124: 106649

[5]   Zongwen Fan, Fenlin Wu, Yaxuan Tang. A hierarchy-based machine learning model for happiness prediction, Applied Intelligence, 2023, 53: 7108-7117

[6]   Zongwen Fan, Raymond Chiong, and Fabian Chiong. A fuzzy-weighted Gaussian kernel-based machine learning approach for body fat prediction [J]. Applied Intelligence, 2022, 52: 2359-2368. 

[7]   Zongwen Fan, and Raymond Chiong. Identifying digital capabilities in university courses: An automated machine learning approach. Education and Information Technologies, 2022, doi: 10.1007/s10639-022-11075-8.

[8]   Zongwen Fan, Raymond Chiong, Zhongyi Hu, and Yuqing Lin. A fuzzy weighted relative error support vector machine for reverse prediction of concrete components [J]. Computers and Structures, 2020, 230, 106171. 

[9]   Zongwen Fan, Raymond Chiong, Zhongyi Hu, and Yuqing Lin. A multi-layer fuzzy model based on fuzzy-rule clustering for prediction tasks [J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 410, 114-124.

[10] Zongwen Fan, Raymond Chiong, Zhongyi Hu, Sandeep Dhakal, and Yuqing Lin. A two-layer Wang-Mendel fuzzy approach for predicting the residuary resistance of sailing yachts [J]. Journal of Intelligence & Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 36(6): 6219-6229. 

[11] Zongwen Fan, Jin Gou, Cheng Wang, Wei Luo. Fuzzy model identification based on fuzzy-rule clustering and its application for airfoil noise prediction [J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2017, 33(3): 1603-1611. 

[12] Wenjie Yin, Zongwen Fan*, Natthachet Tangdamrongsub, Litang Hu, Menglin Zhang. Comparison of physical and data-driven models to forecast groundwater level changes with the inclusion of GRACE - A case study over the state of Victoria, Australia [J], Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 602: 126735.

[13] Shaleeza Sohail, Zongwen Fan*, Xin Gu, and Fariza Sabrina. Multi-tiered Artificial Neural Networks model for intrusion detection in smart homes. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 2022, 16: 200152.

[14] Raymond Chiong, Zuli Wang, Zongwen Fan, and Sandeep Dhakal. A fuzzy-based ensemble model for improving malicious web domain identification. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 204: 117243.

[15] Jin Gou, Zongwen Fan, Cheng Wang, Wei Luo and Haixiao Chi. An improved Wang-Mendel method based on the FSFDP clustering algorithm and sample correlation. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 31(6):2839-2850.

[16] Weinan Li, Jin Gou, and Zongwen Fan. Session-based recommendation with temporal convolutional network to balance numerical gaps. Neurocomputing, 2022, 493: 166-175.

[17] Raymond Chiong, Zongwen Fan, Zhongyi Hu, and Fabian Chiong. Using an improved relative error support vector machine for body fat prediction [J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2021, 198: 105749. 

[18] Jin Gou, Zongwen Fan, Cheng Wang, Wangping Guo, Xiongming Lai, Meizhen Chen. A minimum-of-maximum relative error support vector machine for simultaneous reverse prediction of concrete components [J]. Computers & Structures, 2016, 172: 59-70. 

[19] Mingzhe Li, HongBo Zhang, Qing Lei, Zongwen Fan, Jinghua Liu, and JiXiang Du. Pairwise contrastive learning network for action quality assessment. In the 17th European Conference Computer Vision–ECCV, 2022, pp. 457-473.

[20] Raymond Chiong, Zongwen Fan, Zhongyi Hu, Marc TP Adam, Bernhard Lutz, and Dirk Neumann. A sentiment analysis-based machine learning approach for financial market prediction via news disclosures. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion–GECCO, 2018, 278-279.

[21] Wangkai Lin, Hongbo Zhang, Zongwen Fan, Jinghua Liu, Lijie Yang, Qing Lei, and Jixiang Du. Point-based learnable query generator for human–object interaction detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 32, 2023: 6469-6484


2017.9 - 2021.8 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学   计算机科学   博士研究生毕业   博士学位

2014.9 - 2017.6 华侨大学   计算机技术   研究生(硕士)毕业   硕士学位

2010.9 - 2014.6 华侨大学   软件工程   本科(学士)   学士学位


2021.10 - 至今 华侨大学   计算机科学与技术学院

泉州校区地址:福建省泉州市丰泽区城华北路269号  邮编:362021
厦门校区地址:福建省厦门市集美区集美大道668号  邮编:361021