LXR,Hu Gongren,YRL. 面向环境类本科生的环境化学教学改革探索.广东化工.2016
Hu Gongren,YRL. 南昌市秋季大气PM2.5中碳组分污染特征.环境科学导刊.2017
LXR,YRL,Hu Gongren. Characteristics and sources apportionment of water-soluble ions in PM2.5of Xiamen City, China.Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue/China Environmental Science.2015
Hu Gongren,YRL. Contamination of heavy metals and isotopic tracing of Pb in intertidal surface sediments of Jinjiang River Estuary, SE China.APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY.2016
Hu Gongren,YRL. Contamination of heavy metals and isotopic tracing of Pb in intertidal surface sediments of Jinjiang River Estuary, SE China.APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY.2016