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Master Tutor

Name (Pinyin):ZYX


Education Level:博士研究生

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Business Address:土木工程学科实验大楼502


Professional Title:Associate professor

Administrative Position:教师

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Modeling the lateral behavior of freeze-thaw damaged reinforced concrete columns including reinforcement slip and shear effects

Date:2023-03-23 clicks:

Journal:Engineering Structures (JCR Q1, TOP)

Abstract:This paper focuses on modeling the lateral load-deformation response of reinforced concrete columns subjected to freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs). Freeze-thaw effects are accounted for by means of a non-uniform reduction in concrete strength and bond deterioration between the steel and concrete. The new column response model that is proposed includes deformations due to flexure, reinforcement slip, and shear effects, and the influence of freeze-thaw effects on each of these aspects. The slip displacement is formulated and solved using governing equations among four bond fields. The moment-rotation relationship is then developed and introduced into the zero-length spring element to compromise the rotations caused by reinforcement anchorage slip and by curvatures over the column height. A shear spring element is used in series to represent the shear backbone curve and to capture the onset of shear failure. The proposed model is validated using experimental data on freeze-thaw damaged columns with a wide range of typical design parameters. Overall, the proposed column model accurately simulates the cyclic behavior of both flexure and flexure-shear columns that experience freeze-thaw cycles.

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2021-06-01

Included Journals:SCI

Links to published journals:

Pre One:Experimental study on the bond-slip behavior and stress transfer mechanism between shaped steel and high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete Next One:Prediction of residual behaviour for post-earthquake damaged reinforced concrete column based on damage distribution model