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Master Tutor

Name (Pinyin):ZYX


Education Level:博士研究生

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Business Address:土木工程学科实验大楼502


Professional Title:Associate professor

Administrative Position:教师

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Prediction of residual behaviour for post-earthquake damaged reinforced concrete column based on damage distribution model

Date:2023-03-23 clicks:

Journal:Engineering Structures (JCR Q1, TOP)

Abstract:Predicting the residual behaviour of buildings in the damaged state is essential for quantitative performance assessment of post-earthquake damaged structures, which facilitates post-earthquake reconstruction. Quantification of the damage level and distribution in post-earthquake damaged structures is challenging but necessary for predicting their residual behaviour. The objective of this study was to develop a new damage distribution model for accurately predicting the residual behaviour of an earthquake-damaged reinforced concrete (RC) column. The damage relationship along the column height in the plastic hinge zone between the reference concrete and the RC column was established via fitting to experimental data. According to this relationship and the plane section assumption, the damage distribution in the plastic hinge zone was derived analytically. The damage levels of materials at different locations in the plastic hinge zone can be evaluated. The proposed damage distribution model was used to predict the residual behaviour of an earthquake-damaged RC column, and the revised ASCE-41 model was used for comparison. The verification and analyses indicated that the residual behaviour of the damaged RC column can be predicted more accurately with the proposed damage distribution model than with the ASCE-41 model. The proposed model enables accurate prediction for the residual behaviour of damaged RC columns and provide reference for reconstruction decisions.

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2021-05-01

Links to published journals:

Pre One:Modeling the lateral behavior of freeze-thaw damaged reinforced concrete columns including reinforcement slip and shear effects Next One:Developing GIS-based earthquake loss model: a case study of Baqiao District, China