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Research Projects


Release time:2023-04-03 Hits:

Affiliation of Participant(s):医学院、生物医学学院

Leading Scientist:WLH

Supported by:省、市、自治区科技项目

Classification of Project:泉州市高层次人才创新创业项目

Project level:市厅级

Project Participants:柯跃鸿,王吉鑫,揭亮华,杨梦琦,施兆江,符伟

Project Number:20181ZC037

Date of Project Approval:2018-11-30

Scheduled completion time:2021-12-01

Subsidy Amount(¥):20.0


Gender:Male Education Level:博士研究生 Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science Status:在岗 School/Department:华侨大学 医学院 药学系 Business Address:福建省泉州市丰泽区城华北路269号,华侨大学医学院113室 E-Mail: