南京理工大学 | 2009年-2014年,南京理工大学,机械工程学院,机械工程,博士
南京理工大学 | 2005年-2009年,南京理工大学,机械工程学院,车辆工程,本科
Associate professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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Lin Jiming, PhD graduate of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Master's supervisor of Huaqiao University, deputy director of the Department of Vehicle Engineering. I have presided over and participated in more than 10 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, major special projects of Fujian Province, major projects of industry-academia cooperation, key projects of technological innovation, and guiding projects of science and technology plan, etc. He has published more than 30 papers, including more than 20 SCI/EI papers, obtained more than 10 authorised patents for invention, and participated in the preparation of 2 local and industrial standards. He serves as a reviewer for international journals such as Applied Thermal Engineering, Particuology, Powder technology, Processes and Journal of Automobile Engineering. His research interests include: design, simulation and optimisation of vehicle power units, structural design and optimisation of construction machinery, multi-physics field coupling design of new energy vehicle power systems, computational fluid dynamics simulation of combustors, resourceful recycling of construction residue, and carbon sequestration technology of cement-based materials.
南京理工大学 | 2009年-2014年,南京理工大学,机械工程学院,机械工程,博士
南京理工大学 | 2005年-2009年,南京理工大学,机械工程学院,车辆工程,本科
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Name of Research Group:面向高效低碳的机械装备智能化技术及监测方法团队
Description of Research Group:本团队由机电学院智能制造专业、机械工程专业、车辆工程专业的多位教授、副教授组成,团队孵化于机电装备过程监测及系统优化福建省重点实验室和福建省优秀研究生指导团队,主要研究方向为新型生态友好智能装备与碳中和减排关键技术开发。