Paper Publications
- [1] 汉语诗歌写作的演化轨迹: 系统、词类与信息.[J].浙江,杭州,浙江大学:浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2022,52(1):104-115.
- [2] "Uniformity" or "Dispersion"? -- The evolution of Chinese poetic word categories' distribution patterns.[J].Oxford University Press:Digital Scholarship in the Humanities,2021,36(3):662-681.
- [3] 汉语新诗与散文的文体计量研究.杭州:浙江大学出版社:计量语言学研究进展,2018,127-159.
- [4] Harmony in Diversity: The Language Codes in English–Chinese Poetry Translation.[J].Oxford University Press:Digital Scholarship in the Humanities,2018,33(1):128-142.
- [5] Statistical Analysis of the Diachronic Development of Terminal Rhyme in Chinese Poetry.[C].Lüdenscheid:RAM-Verlag:Issues in Quantitative Linguistics,2016,
- [6] 图解法在初级对外汉语教学中的应用.中文教学现代化学报,2015,5(1):
- [7] Golden Section in Chinese Contemporary Poetry.[J].Lüdenscheid:Glottometrics,2015,3255-62.
- [8] Review of Laura A. Janda (2013, ed.): Cognitive Linguistics: The Quantitative Turn -- The Essential Reader. Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter.[J].Glottotheory,2015,6(1):240-243.
- [9] 从依存语法看黎锦熙语法体系的几个重要思想.[J].华侨大学:世界华文教学,2015,1(1):109-121.
- [10] 汉语新诗计量研究.[J].山西大学:山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2015,38(2):40-47.
Doctoral Degree in Literature