Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- 汉语诗歌写作的演化轨迹: 系统、词类与信息.浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版).2022,52(1):104-115
- "Uniformity" or "Dispersion"? -- The evolution of Chinese poetic word categories' distribution patterns.Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.2021,36(3):662-681
- 汉语新诗与散文的文体计量研究.计量语言学研究进展.2018:127-159
- Harmony in Diversity: The Language Codes in English–Chinese Poetry Translation.Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.2018,33(1):128-142
- Statistical Analysis of the Diachronic Development of Terminal Rhyme in Chinese Poetry.Issues in Quantitative Linguistics.2016
Published Books
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Research Projects
- 普通高中师生综合素质评价生成算法研究(外拨30万), Other projects,一般横向, 2022/06/10, 参与;在研
- 普通高中师生综合素质评价生成算法研发(外拨10万), Other projects,技术开发, 2022/11/04, 参与;在研
- 华文教育机器人学习系统技术开发(二期), Other projects,一般横向, 2023/01/12, 参与;在研
- 基于依存树库的白话文句法特征计量研究, Provincial municipal and regional social science fund projects,一般项目, 2020/09/30, 参与;已结项
- 汉语动作概念心理语义特征的知识库构建, Provincial municipal and regional social science fund projects,福建省社会科学规划项目, 2021/10/27, 参与;在研
Research Team
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Doctoral Degree in Literature